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The Latest News about Local Newscasts.

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This service is about news on adding, expanding, or dropping newscasts from across the country. Plus, we may report on any affiliation changes that could be happening because those affiliation changes could affect a station’s news department and its newscast schedules. This service was founded and created on Monday, August 11th, 2014.

When you read FIRST ON THE BLOG, it means it has not been reported yet by either TVSpy, TVNewsCheck, or FTVLive, the three big websites where you usually read news about stations adding or expanding newscasts. We’re glad to sometimes deliver stories that were reported FIRST by us and not by any other website. If you’re a television news junkie (like myself) or love the television news industry, then this service is for you. Please check back daily as you may never know when another station will either add, expand, or drop a newscast. When we hear something new about it, you’ll hear it here on this site.

Please follow the site! It will give you email updates for whenever I make a new post on the site and so that way, you’ll stay informed into what’s new and what’s happening. Please and thank you.

Thanks to the amount of success the service has generated, a Twitter account for the blog was started on Monday, June 1st, 2015, and can be followed at @ChangeNewsBlog. A Facebook page was created (“Changing Newscasts”) on Monday, September 21st, 2015 to expand the blog’s social media reach.


  • The Changing Newscasts Blog (August 11th, 2014-December 31st, 2017)

  • Changing Newscasts (January 1st, 2018-present)


  • Stories about Adding, Expanding, and Dropping Newscasts in this ever-changing TV news landscape. (August 11th-September 7th, 2014)

  • The Latest News about Local Newscasts. (September 8th, 2014-present)

Mentioned by competing media industry observer rivals (with credit):

  1. WXXV Adds 3rd Newscast in 6 Months (January 29th, 2016 by TVSpy)

  2. Colorado Springs Station (KKTV) Adds and Subtracts Newscasts (August 4th, 2016 by TVSpy)

  3. KKTV Moving 6:30 P.M. Newscast to 4 P.M. (August 4th, 2016 by TVNewsCheck; their link just links back to our story)

  4. WOLF Launches Own Newscast (January 3rd, 2017 by TVSpy)

  5. Green Bay ABC Affiliate Adds Newscasts, Gets New Set (September 15th, 2020 by NorthPine)

  6. Weekly Log: Green Bay Anchor Continues Recovery, Fargo Anchor Leaving (September 16th, 2022 by NorthPine)

  7. More Than A Dozen New Newscasts, Magazines Launch in Upper Midwest (September 20th, 2022 by NorthPine)

Changing Newscasts is a newsletter/podcast service of TheRolyPoly Productions.
Copyright ©2023 TheRolyPoly Productions - All Rights Reserved. Content on this service may not be rewritten, recreated, reproduced, re-edited, reposted, or redistributed in any way without the express written consent of TheRolyPoly Productions.
Any trademarks used, including channel names, product names, etc., are registered, reserved, and maintained by their respective copyright holders, and are only solely used with the mission to report on the latest changes within newscasts from across the United States of America.
Any logos, images, videos, or sounders used are also copyrighted by their respective owners but are used as part of news coverage and commentary and are designed to facilitate criticism, commentary, scholarship, and research relating to the broadcasting industry, and for purposes of historic preservation. Therefore, it is subject to the fair use exception under Title 17, Chapter 1, Section 107 of the United States Code. TheRolyPoly Productions makes no claims to third-party content contained in any video or sounder used and no copyright infringement is intended.
TheRolyPoly Productions is the owner and sole proprietor of this service and is solely responsible for the content provided here.

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The Latest News about Local Newscasts.


28 from Florida, a future broadcaster and podcaster who loves broadcasting and EDM.